“Archaeologists Discovery in Egypt: They Find a Huge Man Resting in a Coffin of 8.7 Feet in Length”


The Egyptian archaeologists have discovered a giant man who still lay in a coffin of 8.7 ρies.

Archeology orgnews86

Archaeologists in Egypt are faced with a perplexing question regarding the colossal figure entombed inside a massive sarcophagus recently discovered in the Sidi Gaber district of Alexandria. Measuring a staggering 2.65 meters (8.7 feet) long, this remarkable discovery represents the largest granite sarcophagus ever found in the region, which is famous for its ancient artifacts. Initial observations of the black granite sarcophagus indicate that it originated in the Ptolemaic period, an important era in Egyptian history extending from 323 B.C. C. until 30 a. This period began after the death of Alexander the Great and ended with the death of Cleopatra VII and the Roman invasion.


Dr. Ayman Ashmawy, head of the government’s Ancient Egyptian Antiquities Sector, revealed that the tomb was discovered buried 5 meters (16 feet) below the surface. In addition to its remarkable length, the sarcophagus has an impressive height of 1.85 meters (6 feet) and a width of 1.65 meters (5.4 feet).

Of particular interest, Dr. Ashmawy mentioned that the mortar layer between the lid and the body of the sarcophagus remains intact, suggesting that the contents of the stone coffin have remained intact since ancient times.


Given the exceptional size of the sarcophagus, it is likely that it served as the burial place for an individual of at least moderate status and wealth. However, the question of who exactly is inside remains unanswered.

Contrary to popular speculation, the sarcophagus is unlikely to contain the remains of an ancient giant. Sarcophagi often exceed the size of the individuals they contain. For example, the longest sarcophagus ever discovered in Egypt was over 13 feet (4 meters) long and housed the remains of the medium-sized ruler Merneptah.


Fortunately, there are some important clues to consider. Very close to the sarcophagus, archaeologists found a carved alabaster head that is believed to represent the “owner” of the tomb. Made from a soft rock commonly used for carving, the features on the head have eroded over time. However, further investigation and analysis may help reveal the mysterious identity.

Thanks to its rich and diverse history, Alexandria frequently reveals remarkable archaeological finds. As one of the coastal ports of the Mediterranean, the city has served as a vital trading center for goods, ideas, people, and cultures. Just a few months ago, underwater archaeologists discovered a collection of ancient shipwrecks and treasures off the coast of Alexandria, evoking a sense of wonder akin to the adventures of Indiana Jones.




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